Sunday, October 9, 2011

Front Door to House and Basement Door Installed

This may not be too thrilling of a post to read, but we were very happy to have recently been able to purchase and install the front door to the actual house as well as a basement door (fire escape exit). In a previous post we showed the front door to the porch after installation. Here in Siberia, the winter weather demands several doors in order to prevent frost buildup and drafts. These vinyl doors are insulated to keep the heat inside the house and the cold air out, just like we like it. 

Front door - photo taken from inside the house.
The basement door is a shorter one because it will not be used very often. We mostly wanted to have a fire escape exit in case of an emergency. It exits out the back of the house to a small covered area as you see in this picture - (bottom left side of the house).

David foaming in the door.
It isn't pink, it's white;  just the sun shining in. :)
There's only one little problem...we found out that the factory installed the wrong lock mechanism in the front door. So, the handle which is delivered in a small box separate from the door does not fit. We initially thought it was just the incorrect handle and so they met with us to give us the "proper" handle, and it was wrong as well. But, such is life sometimes. We are waiting for them now to come to the house themselves and take care of their mistake. We will keep you posted on this one! 


  1. All progress is exciting! Thanks for the update.

  2. Thanks Tisa! It is all exciting to us as well! it can be overwhelming at times, but exciting!


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