Thursday, April 14, 2011

Prayers answered!

As Fall (2010) was approaching and the men were able to close in the second floor walls of the house, we desperately needed to get the roof on before winter came. The kids especially continued to pray faithfully for the Lord to provide the money and materials we needed to complete the house. One evening as David was checking our e-mail and monthly support he asked me (Dee Dee) to come over to the computer and look at something. He showed me a posting on our monthly statement from a dear family, that would allow us to by lumber and roofing materials to put the roof on the house before winter! I, being a woman, began to cry. David, who I know was a bit down thinking we were not going to make it in time before the winter weather came, was speechless. I wish you all could have squeezed into our little house that night! We shared the news with the kids and there was much jumping for joy! I promise that for months they (as well as David and I) have thanked the Lord for the nice people who gave us the money to put the roof on our house. God is so good!
As we prepared to roof the house, David had discussed different plans and ideas with Volodia, our Christian builder friend here in Krasnoyarsk. In the end, they decided that we would build trusses for the structural part and that Volodia and his men would help. I once again was amazed at my dear husband's talents and abilities as he tackled this huge project of building all those trusses - by hand.  Thankfully, a few of our fellow missionaries from the city came out to help David finish those 42 individual half trusses. They completed them just in time as the day Volodia and his men came out to finish the roofing job, snowflakes began to fall.  Although I didn't take pictures of the men as they were climbing up and down on the roof as it rained and snowed (being a nurse I can't watch those things), below are a few pictures of the trusses and roof once they were completed.

David and Matt Northcutt working on the truss for the front of the house.
Inside view
Roof complete - Let it SNOW!

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